1. Waking With Enemies by Eric Jerome Dickey (Dutton Adult, $24.95) (4)
2. Pleasure by Eric Jerome Dickey (Dutton, $24.95) (6)
3. Something On The Side by Carl Weber (Dafina, $24) (3)
4. Just Too Good To Be True by E. Lynn Harris (Doubleday, $24.95)*
5. Deliver Me From Evil by Mary Monroe (Dafina, $24) (2)
6. Still Dirty by Vickie M. Stringer (Atria, $23.95)*
7. Seen It All and Done the Rest by Pearl Cleage (One World/Ballantine, $25)*
8. Sin No More By Kimberla Lawson Roby (William Morrow, $23.95) (1)
9. One In A Million by Kimberla Lawson Roby (William Morrow, $19.95)*
10. Somewhat Saved by Pat G’Orge-Walker (Kensington, $22)*
1. True to the Game III by Teri Woods (Grand Central Publishing, $14.99)*
2. Dutch #3 by Dutch (Dutch, $15) (3)
3. Too Little, Too Late by Victoria Christopher Murray (Touchstone, $15)*
4. Them by Nathan McCall (Washington Square Press, $14)*
5. Payback With Ya Life by Wahida Clark (Grand Central Publishing, $14.99) (7)
6. Pieces of the Hole by Tony Lindsay (Third World Press, $13.95)*
7. The B— is Back by Deja King (Triple Crown Publications, $15)*
8. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (Anchor, $10.95)*
9. Never As Good As the First Time by Mari Walker (St. Martin’s Griffin, $13.95)*
10. Can I Get A Witness? by ReShonda Tate Billingsley (Pocket, $14)*
1. The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama (Crown, $25.95) (1)
2. Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama (Crown, $25.95)*
3. Letters To A Young Sister by Hill Harper (Gotham, $22.50) (4)
4. Grace After Midnight by Felecia “Snoop” Pearson (Grand Central Publishing, $22)*
5. Hiding in Hip Hop by Terrance Dean (Atria, $23) (3)
6. Black Pain by Terrie Williams (Scribner, $25)*
7. Come on People by Bill Cosby and Alvin F. Poussaint (Thomas Nelson, $25.99) (2)
8. Life Beyond Measure by Sidney Poitier (HarperOne, $25.95) (5)
9. Debating Race by Michael Eric Dyson (Basic Civitas, $26)*
10. Know What I Mean? by Michael Eric Dyson (Basic Civitas, $19.95)*
1. Snakes in the Pulpit by Reuben Armstrong (Reuben Armstrong Publishers, $25.99) (8)
2. The Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson (The Book Tree, $17.95) (4)
3. The Willie Lynch Letter by William Lynch and Kashif Malik Hassan-el (Lushena, $3.95) (2)
4. Do You! by Russell Simmons and Chris Morrow (Gotham, $15)*
5. Why I Love Black Women by Michael Eric Dyson (Basic Civitas, $14.95)*
6. How to Succeed in the Publishing Game by Vickie M. Stringer (Triple Crown Publications, $20)*
7. Letters to a Young Brother by Hill Harper (Gotham, $12)*
8. So Good It Hurts by Na’Kisha Crawford (Pathway Pub, $14.95)*
9. Hopes and Dreams by Steve Dougherty (Black Dog & Levanthal, $9.95)*
10. Stolen Legacy by G.M. James George (Khalifah’s Booksellers & Associates, $10)*
ABOUT THIS LIST: The Essence Best Sellers List is based on reports of retail sales. Respondents are African-American bookstores. Numbers in parentheses indicate last month’s position. An asterisk indicates a title that did not appear on last month’s list. REPORTING STORES: Truth Bookstore (Southfield, Michigan), 248-557-4824; Pyramid Art, Books, & Custom Framing (Little Rock, Arkansas), 501-372-5824; Jokae’s Books & Framing (Dallas), 214-331-8100; Kana CDs & Books (Columbus, Ohio), 614-577-1897); Hood Book Headquarters (Warren, Michigan), 313-515-7961; African-American Images (Chicago, IL), 708-672-4909; Knowledge Bookstore (Brampton, Ontario), 905-459-9875; Cushcity (Houston, Texas), 281-444-4265; Da Book Joint (Chicago), 773-978-3555.
November 2008 Bestsellers List
Check out the bestselling books for November 2008