In the November issue of ESSENCE, Michelle Obama‘s mother, Marian Robinson, writes about her four years in the White House, witnessing Michelle and Barack’s relationship grow, her granddaughters and more. But Robinson also shares why she’s voting for her son-in-law this fall:
“I admire how hard Barack works. And I know that he does it because he wants to make sure that this country is still a place where you can make it if you try. He wants to make sure that a college education is affordable and attainable so that all parents can encourage their kids to reach for it, just like Fraser and I did. He wants to make sure that moms and dads can provide for their families, and folks my age can retire with dignity and security. And he wants every child to believe that they can achieve their dreams, no matter where they come from, what they look like or how much money their parents make. That’s what makes him work so hard. I’ve seen it from him and I’ve heard it from him. And that’s why I’ll be voting for him in November, and I hope you do, too.”
For more of Marian Robinson’s first-person piece on why she’s voting for President Barack Obama, pick up the November issue of ESSENCE on newsstands now.