Chicago Urban Prep Academy has perfected their formula of achievement.
For the fifth consecutive year, the African-American male charter school is sending all of its 240 seniors to a four-year college or university.
“I got into Georgetown University which I will be attending in the fall,” student Derrick Little shared.
According to The Grio, the young men of the class of 2014 celebrated their stellar accomplishment during a traditional ceremony were they exchange their red uniform ties for a red-and-gold striped tie.
Graduating senior Dumar Harris told NBC Chicago, “The tie represents to me moving on from a boy to becoming a young man and actually doing something with my life,”
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel attended the ceremony Tuesday to give the students uplifting words and advice. NBA star Dwayne Wade also donated $10,000 through his foundation Wayne’s World.
School founder and CEO Tim King remarked on the accomplishments of his students, “Urban Prep is not for everyone, and those students may leave us but the fact that some students choose to leave us should not be used as a weapon against the students who have chosen to stay and have achieved this incredible accomplishment.”