Job fairs are an excellent way to be considered for opportunities and secure a new job. The 100K Opportunities Fair & Forum in Chicago presented by Starbucks (August 13) took the typical job fair to a new level by providing on-the-spot interviews and also securing jobs on the spot. The fair was a huge success and will be repeated in markets across the country. Below are a few tips on how to take advantage of opportunities like this and others.
Identify the opportuntity.
Half of the battle is recognizing opportunity when it knocks. In fact, it was Thomas Edison who said, “opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Many people shy away from things that look like they would require too much effort but those are often the best opportunities because they allow you to step outside of your comfort zone and stretch your skills. Run toward those opportunities, not away.
Prepare for the opportunity.
Preparation is key to obtaining or accomplishing anything. So, dust off that resumé and your LinkedIn profile and update it! You never know when an amazing opportunity may present itself. Stay ready, so you don’t have to waste time getting ready.
Dress for success.
First impressions last a long time. Therefore, it’s important to dress for the job that you want. Dressing professionally and appropriately shows others that you take yourself seriously and that they should, too. As our Beauty & Style Director Pamela Edwards-Christiani says: “You don’t have to be perfect, but you do have to be polished.”
Do your due diligence.
Doing your homework on the company and/or person you will interview with can give you a considerable edge on your competitors. The next time you have an interview, take the time to Google the company and also browse the company website. They’ll be pleased to know that you took the initiative to be informed.
Have an attitude of gratitude.
Being thankful for opportunities can get you far. Post-interview, send a handwritten thank you card. It not only shows the interviewer you appreciated the opportunity but will also help keep you top of mind. Even if you don’t get the job, they would be more likely to consider your for something in the future if they like you.