This post is dedicated to all of my girls out there who want to improve their lives: mentally, physically and spiritually. But, for one reason or another, have trouble with committing to their goals. I know your struggle, and you are not alone.
Now, can we be honest with each other for a moment?
Want to Maximize Your Self-Love in 2016? Roz Mays Tells You How!
How many letters have you written in your journal, or sticky notes that you have posted on your dorm room wall, with all of the things that you want to improve about yourself, to reach your goals in life?
I don’t know about y’all, but I’ve written a ton! And, each time that I had planned to make a change, I always found a way to talk myself out of it because I was either afraid to fail, or not willing to stray away from my comfort zone.
I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news, but if you truly want success in life, it’s going to take more than just the effort of writing down how you plan to achieve it. You are going to have to commit wholeheartedly to letting go of your insecurities, and be held accountable for the progression of your growth.
Here are 8 tips that I have found to work in the journey of stepping aside, and getting out of your own way to achieve success in life:
Commit to Your Commitment
This is arguably the most important step in the process because if you don’t make a conscious decision to improve in an area, you will never be consistent in making your goals a reality.
Distraction Free Zone
If there is anything in your life that is taking you off of your game, or not essential to your success, remove it.
No Excuses
Stop giving yourself a pass for being lazy. Be accountable for your faults, and work hard everyday to overcome any and all obstacles.
Be Fearless
Remove “cant” from your vocabulary. And, go after your dream full force. Don’t let your fear of the unknown; prevent you from taking a chance on yourself.
Remove the Clutter
Organization is key to a successful life. Take the time to plan your moves before you make them, so that you can limit the amount of slip-ups.
Trust Yourself
Have so much faith in yourself, and in your dreams that you become unstoppable in your efforts.
Take some time for yourself, to relax and strengthen your mind to handle the obstacles of the day ahead.
Be You
Don’t let social media force you to believe that you aren’t good enough. Be proud of who you are, and flourish all the time.
Malia Brown (@iammaliatyler) is an ESSENCE College Ambassador, writer and on-air personality. She attends the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and majors in Political Science and Journalism. She reports on beauty, pop culture, and lifestyle news.