A hairstylist in California found a racist letter waiting for her at work when she showed up Tuesday morning.
Sharie Wilson, the owner of Dream Girls salon in the town of Elk Grove, was greeted with a two-paged racially-tinged letter. The letter, which was attached to the door of the salon, threatened that her business was not welcome in the community, according to the local ABC10 news.
“C**n hunt!” the note said. “Coming soon…”
The police are investigating the case as a hate crime.
“This is not the first incident. We’ve had feces thrown at my front door. We’ve had people call the salon telling us n****** get out,” Wilson told the station. “It’s a lot of things been happening over the years and I’ve been calling the officers, calling the police and nothing has happened.”
She says this is the first time that the police have decided to investigate any of her complaints as a hate crime. As the first black business owner of the town, Wilson and her hair salon remain easy targets.
There is hope though: the local community has been rallying around Wilson. Many have stopped by to leave notes and flowers in support of her business.