NBC’s drama, “The Playboy Club,” has been canceled after only a few episodes. The show was given the ax after bringing in 3.5 millions viewers this past week, according to Entertainment Weekly.
The network will be showing re-runs of “Prime Suspect” in its usual Monday night slot.
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The show, a drama depicting Hugh Hefner’s popular Chicago venue during the 1960s, chronicled the interaction between workers and patrons. Naturi Naughton, known for her stint with the singing group 3LW, and her role as ‘Lil Kim’ in “Notorious,” played the sultry Bunny Brenda, and the first African-American Playboy bunny.
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Naughton took to twitter to express her thoughts, “Up at 6:30am… still headin 2work. #playboyclub. Work hard until the end”
We’re sorry to see this show going off the air! Are you upset?