Yesterday, Braxton’s Family Values star Tamar Braxton released the first single, “Love and War,” from her long-awaited sophomore album of the same title. Within hours it shot to the top of the iTunes charts where it’s comfortably resting at number one.
The outspoken Braxton sister tells ESSENCE.com she was, for once, speechless. “I definitely did not expect this kind of response,” she said. “The single came out [yesterday], and it’s number one!”
The former backup singer says she originally wanted another single, “Hot Sugar,” to be her first. “But given everything that happened to Vince and I this year, and everything we went through in our marriage, this song was fitting,” she explained, adding the meaning of the song goes way beyond a minor tiff between lovers. It is really about her marriage. “I’ve been in love before, and I’ve gotten my feelings hurt before but I’ve never experienced passion until I met Vince,” she said. “I’ve never argued this much with a person, and I’ve never loved this hard. That’s what this song is about.”
Luckily, fans begging to hear more music from Braxton will only have to wait until February to her new album.