If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then lashes are definitely the gatekeepers. And, it’s no secret that lashes have been having a moment for a while now. Because it’s getting warm outside and you’re likely to start batting those lashes a little more come spring time, we caught up with lash expert and founder of Chicago’s premier lash bar, The Lashe Spot, Melinda Rodriguez, who gave us the do’s and don’ts of maintaining and caring for lash extensions.
DO your research. It’s important to research both the salon and the individual who will be applying your lash extensions. Choose a reputable salon and look for someone who specializes in lashes (as opposed to a general esthetician or “jack-of-all-trades.”) Establishments that focus solely on lash services are your best bet.
DON’T get your extensions wet for 24-48 hours after application. To be safe, avoid excessive heat for the first couple of days as well (that includes saunas and Bikram yoga classes.)
DO make sure your lash artist uses individual lashes, NOT clusters. Applying one single extension to one individual lash ensures a much more natural look.
DON’T use oily products near your eyes. Oil can degrade the adhesive and shorten the life of your extensions. Instead, use oil-free after care products (like oil-free makeup remover) to help your lashes last.
DO take care of your natural lashes. To keep your natural lashes growing and regenerating at a healthy rate, drink lots of water and consider using a product like RevitaLash.
DON’T forget to brush your lashes. Brushing both your extensions and natural lashes regularly will keep them looking full and beautiful while also clearing our any debris or bacteria.
DO find out what type of adhesive your lash artist will be using. Just as there are numerous different types of lashes (synthetic, silk, mink etc.) there are also numerous ways to bond the extensions. At The Lashe Spot, we use a medical-grade adhesive that contains pulverized rubber polymers, which allow for extra flexibility and softness. We also always do a patch test prior to each application to make sure that the client has no allergies or reactions to the adhesive. If your lash artist doesn’t offer that, ask for it before your service begins.
If you are ever in the Chicago area be sure to stop by The Lashe Spot.