Lil Kim is making waves on social media when she shared a series of Instagram selfies on Sunday where the famed rapper looks virtually unrecognizable.
Lil Kim, born Kimberly Denise Jones, has never been shy about her cosmetic surgeries. Fans, Stans and haters alike have tracked her transformation from thin chocolate beauty to voluptuous diva. This recent post, however, sparked responses of both outrage and endearment as commenters noted how much lighter Kim’s skin is — some accusing her of skin bleaching and comparing her to Michael Jackson.
This isn’t the first time Kim has come under fire for her skin brightening and cosmetic surgery pursuits. In a 2000 interview with Newsweek, she sited low self-esteem as the reasoning behind her constant transformation stating:
“I have low self-esteem and I always have. guys always cheated on me with women who were European-looking You know, the long-hair type. Really beautiful women that left me thinking, ‘How can I compete with that?’ Being a regular Black girl wasn’t good enough.” She validated the statement by saying, “White women get [implants] everyday. It was to make me look the way I wanted to look. It’s my body.”
Kim recently re-posted a photo from the youngest Jenner, Kylie—an apparent fan of the “Magic Stick” rapper—who captioned the photo, “I’m sorry, she’s just so cool.” The photo, which portrays Kim in her rapping hay day, is a nod to the Kim we grew to love in the 90’s— chocolate skin, full lips and bright-hued hair.
If nothing else, Kim’s transformation proves that if you receive praise from others, but are still unhappy with yourself it doesn’t amount to anything. Whether you agree with her skin bleaching and cosmetic surgeries or not, what one women does with her body should not be at the mercy of those who shame her for choices she makes about her own body. We hope that Kim finds peace with her appearance.