Three of the ‘Mothers of the Movement’ were met with a standing ovation at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday evening. The women stood in representation of their slain sons and daughters and addressed the epidemic of gun violence and police brutality against Black Americans.
“One year ago yesterday, I lived the worst nightmare anyone could imagine,” began Geneva Reed-Veal. “I watched as my daughter, Sandra Bland, was lowered into the ground in a coffin.”
“You don’t stop being a parent when your child dies,” said Lucy McBath. “I am still Jordan Davis’s mother. His life ended the day he was shot and killed for playing loud music. But my job as his mother didn’t.”
“I am an unwilling participant in this movement. I would not have signed up for this. None of us would have,” said Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin. “I didn’t want this spotlight. But I will do everything I can to focus some of that light on a path out of this darkness.”
The mothers shared their testimonies and pledged their support for Hillary Clinton. See the full transcript of the speech here.