After Tiffany Haddish cut off her hair on Instagram Live, fans of the comedian and actress expressed concern about whether she was having a Britney-like breakdown. A few hours following the live stream, Haddish took to Instagram again to address all those comments asking if she had “lost her mind” and calling for “someone [to] check on sis.”
Haddish explained that she has almost 100 moles all over her body but doesn’t know how many are on her scalp and wants to explore that part of her. So she urged fans not to pity her. She feels confident and she’s happy about her new chop.
“I’m going to cut all of it off,” she reasserted, waving her hand around her head with newly cut hair. “Why when a woman decides, Hey I’m going to cut this hair off, because I want to see my scalp, she got to have a mental problem? Nothing is wrong with my brain, you guys. I’ve literally been talking about this for years. I want to see my scalp.”
“I’m still going to be fine as f–k. Guys, don’t worry. And it will grow back,” she said.
In fact, she realized that there are many advantages to having short hair that she didn’t consider. Even her first shower following the big chop was a moment in discovery.
“It’s the first time I jumped in the shower and was not concerned about not getting my hair wet. And it felt so good,” Haddish began. “You could see my face even better. My neck don’t hurt. You know how heavy them locs were?! That’s a lot of neck work. Now we’re just, boom, shoulders [are] relaxed. My gait is better. And now I can go running every day. I can train my ass off every single day and not have to worry about ‘oh, my hair.’ ”
A lot of Black women can relate to sis. Sweating the hair out is a real concern.
“Let’s just be honest. As a Black woman, that’s a good hour to two or three hours of your day. It is a lot of work. So I’m taking time off,” Haddish continued. “I’m going to use that same energy that I would have been putting to my hair into my mind.”
She’s also excited to use curl sponges and have waves that will make the Atlantic ocean jealous. And Haddish explained that she plans on keeping her hair natural in texture and maybe just add a little color to it. She also expressed her excitement for “how thick and pretty” she’s expecting it to be when the chop grows out.
“I feel really, really good. I feel free,” she finished. “If anything, I’ve gained so much mind, so much peace.”