In a captivating new video series, artist Mickalene Thomas reflects on her groundbreaking exhibition, All About Love, through a deeply personal lens. Produced by The Broad and distributed by ESSENCE, the visuals include interviews with Thomas as she explores the central themes in her work. Titled “All About Motherhood,” “All About Community,” and “All About Purpose,” each video is an exploration of the love, representation, and legacy that drives her practice.
Filmed by Brandon Bloom and featuring footage by Thomas’ daughter, Junya, the recordings give a behind-the-scenes look at how her family’s influence has shaped her artistic vision. Junya’s own commentary adds another layer, offering an intimate perspective on her mother’s powerful portrayals of Black women and their importance in society.
Throughout the series, the New Jersey native discusses how her mother has fueled her dedication to celebrating the BIPOC demographic in museums, and why she continues to champion Black representation in the art world. Reflecting on the exhibition’s messaging, she tethers her work to the broader context of feminist author bell hooks’ All About Love, grounding her art in a transformative process of healing and liberation.
“It’s really about connecting with people,” Thomas said in an “All About Community” excerpt. “I feel very fortunate that what I do and who I am—not only as a person but as an artist—that I’m acting as a conduit for culture and change. And because I’m using my creative practice to foster these notions of creating impact and inspiration, it’s really important to remember the value of relationships. People remember how you make them feel.”
With over 90 works on display, Mickalene Thomas: All About Love invites viewers to experience two decades of the artist’s mastery across multiple mediums, from painting and collage to photography and installation. The exhibition closes on September 29, making this an essential moment to engage with Thomas’ extraordinary observation of family, community, and love.
“All About Family”
“All About Community”
“All About Purpose”