Rising model and actor Travis Cure gives new meaning to the phrase “hot chocolate.” He’s single, sexy and loves a woman with strong faith and ambition. Need we say more?
Rising model and actor Travis Cure gives new meaning to the phrase “hot chocolate.” He’s single, sexy and loves a woman with strong faith and ambition. Need we say more?
“I’m excited by a woman who has a relationship with God, who speaks encouragement into my spirit and who frequents the squat rack at the gym,” says Cure.
Cure says “Superman” would be one of the best words to describe him perfectly. “I stand for what I believe and will fight for the underdog,” he reveals. He can come to our rescue any time.
“The bravest thing I’ve ever done is join the Marines,” Cure shares. “I lacked direction at that time in my life and wanted some form of structure and discipline. I didn’t know if I was putting my life in danger or what. I enlisted to make myself a better person and doing so definitely fulfilled my expectations.”
Cure’s a twin! Can you imagine getting a double dose of all of this gorgeousness? Click that “like” button if you’d like to meet his brother too. (We’re in!)
“The coolest place I’ve ever traveled is Tokyo, Japan,” says Cure. “I loved meeting the people and exploring their culture, but I was a little ambivalent about some of the food, though.”
Get ready to say “aww.” Cure is a doting dad: “I will teach my daughters that they are queens with a warrior’s mentality. I want them to know that they deserve the best the world has to offer, and should work to have the best.”
“When I was younger, I would buy new clothes, and stuff like that, to impress a woman, but now I wouldn’t do anything,” says Cure. “If I don’t get a vibe she’s interested from jump, I just move on.“
We love a man who exudes confidence. “I think women would find me the perfect catch because of my work ethic, ambition and respect for others,” says Cure. “And, my oh-so-smooth, dark chocolate skin.”
Hunks have hobbies too. “My favorites include weight training, playing with my children, going to the movies and reading biographies of successful business people,” says Cure.
“I have no workout secrets, rules or tricks,” says Cure. “I stick to consistency, consistency, consistency. I don’t follow a strict diet, but I do steer clear of sugar and bread.”
“I think it’s difficult for people to love themselves because most people compare themselves to others,” says Cure. “They try to live up to the expectations of people who don’t genuinely have their best interests at heart.”
To make the world a better place I’m contributing a positive attitude, humility and encouragement to others. I want my actions to prove that regardless your age, socio-economic status or the amount of children you have, you can still make things happen for yourself. You can accomplish virtually anything you desire if you work diligently and consistently.
““I really do love what I do for a living,” says Cure. “I have a passion which is growing every day. I love the novelty of every gig: the new experience, the new people who work with me, etc. I’m a pretty spontaneous person, so this work serves me well.”