Though we’re accustomed to seeing her in full glam, on her days off Meagan Good is dressed down, low-key and happily so. On her face she wears only sunscreen, lip balm and, of course, lush lashes.
“I just got them done,” said the 37-year old actress whose credits date back nearly three decades and include the nail-biting new thriller The Intruder.
Her skin is radiant, yes. Her regimen, simple—think Trader Joe’s Spa Face Wash with Tea Tree Oil, Rodan + Fields Redefine A.M. and P.M. creams, a tinted moisturizer on occasion and Olay Cleansing Cloths. Her tress game is a different story, though. She often goes from long and curly to short to braids, bobs and silky dreads and back again. Since last November she’s been serving up cropped, blond and fierce.
“When I change my hair it’s about expressing what I’m feeling in that season,” she said. After completing the forthcoming action film Monster Hunter, she says, she was feeling very empowered.
“So far I’ve only bleached it four times, but I know my hair is like, ‘Girl, we’ve been so patient and kind, but if you keep going in this direction, we’re going to start getting crispy.'”

For Good, self-care begins with easing into each day quietly, peacefully.
“I get up, I pray, meditate and say my affirmations,” she said. And while she doesn’t get to luxuriate in the bathtub with candles, wine and her collection of bath bombs as often as she’d like, there is one indulgence she rarely misses.
“I’m a massage connoisseur, especially deep tissue. Anywhere, anytime, any chance I get, I make it happen.”
Amen to that!