For their latest campaign, Dove encourages everyone to fully embrace the beauty of their skin. The new campaign is titled ‘Make peace with dry skin’ and it encourages conversations about what it means to love and live in your own skin — specifically, for those of us living with a skin condition.
Mercedes Matz, one of the many real faces of the ‘Make peace with dry skin‘ shared her struggle with eczema on Instagram. “You see perfect skin all over social media. But not everyone has perfect skin — whether it’s eczema, psoriasis, acne, or whatever, the more we show it, the more people will accept it. Nobody is perfect, she posted.”
After creating an online social community on Instagram, Dove is also sharing the stories of real women living with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The campaign is a segue into advertising for their new Dove DermaSeries line, which includes specially formulated lotions, balms, and creams to heal and soothe those with extremely dry and dry skin conditions.
With 1 in 4 Americans living with some sort of skin condition, the campaign aims to be more inclusive and represent those who are rarely seen in advertising or in beauty conversations.
Dove has also created a way for you to share your own skin stories. You can create your own image here to share on social media and participate in the campaign.