In case you weren’t tapped into your Instagram feed over the weekend, just know that top celebrities were posting beauty looks you wouldn’t want to miss. Adut Akech, for one, got a new bob as part of her natural hair growth journey. From shaving her head bald, due to hair damage, to growing it out for the past three years, Akech celebrated this new milestone with a stunning flick and touching caption. “Black girl hair is truly magical and fascinating,” she wrote.
Similarly, straight hair looks were popular for other celebrities, too. Ojerime, Tyla, and Winnie Harlow made a case for the style in different lengths and shapes. Singer Ojerime went with her usual, long silky strands. Meanwhile, Tyla opted for a layered look with bumped ends. As for Harlow? Her pixie cut was front and center while she applied her Cay Skin lip balm.
For skin care, Laverne Cox opened up after getting the Joanne Vargas triple crown facial. Cox disclosed she’s “botox, filler, and facial surgery free,” save for the botox she received for TMJ over a year ago. And as for Sheryl Lee Ralph? She shared how she’s still not over her braided ponytail and structural liner look from the Versace event last week. And, quite frankly, neither are we.
In case you missed it, below, find 6 standout beauty looks we double tapped over the weekend.