Eye Candy: Military Officer and Fitness Model Allen Elliott
Military officer and fitness personality Allen Elliott is a southern gentleman who really knows how to make the ladies sweat. He loves a woman who respects herself and can be sexy and confident. Click away while we salute him in style!
“My childhood experience was quite unique because my parents were in the military,” says Elliott, 27. “We moved several times both inside and out of the country. I was thankful for the experience because I grew up cultured, meeting all types of people from all walks of life.”
James Lewis Photography
Support System
“My parents and I are very close; they are like my best friends,” says Elliott. “If I had to compare myself to a sports team, I would call my mom my coach. She’s there at the tactical-level communicating daily and checking up on me. My dad is more like a general manager. He weighs in and provides his wisdom and knowledge on life-skills and major decisions. They have had my back since day one, and I know that I could not have achieved most of my accomplishments without their love and support.”
James Lewis Photography
World’s Best Big Brother
“I have one brother who is four years younger than me,” Elliott tells us. “Growing up, I often challenged him to outperform me. It was natural to have sibling rivalry, but deep down I wanted him to do better than me because I felt that I was the trailblazer. If I could show him some opportunities that were available, he might follow in my footsteps or blaze a trail of his own. I’m happy to say that I’m very proud of him; although we followed different paths growing up he has become very successful in his own right.”
James Lewis Photography
Home Sweet Home
Elliott currently calls Birmingham, Alabama home. “It’s close to Atlanta and I’m surrounded by a great network of people,” says Elliott.
James Patrick Photography
Up For the Challenge
“In high school I enjoyed playing sports,” says Elliott. “I found wrestling to be challenging both physically and mentally.”
James Lewis Photography
Welcome to the Force
Elliott chose to pursue a non-traditional college experience by attending The Citadel Military College of South Carolina where he majored in Electrical Engineering. After graduating from college, he was commissioned as an officer in the Air Force.
James Lewis Photography
Double Duty
“My friend invited to do my first bodybuilding show and from then on I’ve been on hooked on fitness,” says Elliott. “It wasn’t long after the first show that I realized that I could view my physique as a business, and the seed of becoming a fitness model was planted. I’m grateful for the lessons learned from wrestling and the military because I’ve been able to apply those same skill sets toward my fitness model endeavors.”
Physique Fotos
Built to Last
Helloooooooo, gorgeous!
Courtesy of Allen Elliott
Love What You Do
“I love what I do,” says Elliott. “I’m very passionate about health and fitness.”
Courtesy of Allen Elliott
Article continues after video.
Excellence First
“I believe my Christian faith and a positive mental attitude helps me remain humble, easy to get along with and willing to go the extra mile,” says Elliott. “I strive for excellence in all areas of my life.”
James Lewis Photography
Down to Earth Cutie
“I’m big into technology, pop culture and keeping up with the latest trends,” Elliott reveals. “During my down time, I chill at home, read, watch movies or play video games. I also like to get out and meet new people.”
Allen Elliott Photography
To the Left, to the Left
Elliott is a creative type and left-handed. We can think of a few creative things he can do with those hands.
Aaron Smith Photography
A Work of Art
We can’t find a single flaw in Elliott’s physique. What a work of art!
We just can’t get enough of Elliott’s shirtless physique. Click that “like” button if you love it, too!
Atlanta Photographer’s Network
Mr. Tough Guy
Elliott isn’t just fit, he’s a trained fighter as well. “I have a black belt in Tae Kwon-Do,” he says.
James Lewis Photography
A Day to Remember
“The perfect date would be a night out on the town, where’d we visit a museum and check out the exhibits,” Elliott tells us. “Next we’d have a romantic candle-lit dinner at a nice restaurant, preferably Italian. Finally, we’d leave the restaurant and catch a movie or go to a lounge and enjoy some live music.”