When it comes to TV and film, fashion, beauty, and being the ultimate example of Black womanhood, Phylicia Rashad is a legend. She’s held the title of America’s favorite mom for decades, while being an aspirational beauty and still manages to be humble about her influence. She has so much insider knowledge and she’s not shy about sharing it.
In a Facebook Live interview earlier this week with ESSENCE and her daughter, Billions star Condola Rashad, the icon revealed how she’s remained such a timeless and ageless beauty all these years.
“You have to take naps,” Rashad begins. “Sleep is important; you’ve got to get your sleep.”
My fiancé woke from his midday snooze to rejoice.
“And my father learned the importance of drinking lots of water,” she continues. “And then really watching the kinds of food you eat. Certain foods make the body weak, and internal organs go off and with that goes your appearance.”
Rashad also admitted that she rarely imbibes in alcoholic drinks. She might have the occasional limoncello with Condola, but outside of that she stays pretty dry—with the exception of all that water.
While giving up your happy hour cocktails and fried ice cream might be tough to do, at least the consistent nap throughout the week is an easy step you can take.
Who knew becoming as timeless a beauty as Phylicia Rashad could be as easy as sleeping on it, literally?