It isn’t often that you hear the words “beauty queen” and “super chill” paired together, but that’s exactly how I would describe Meagan Tandy. The actress, who was crowned Miss California in 2007, is a Teen Wolf alum and a regular on Starz Survivor’s Remorse. She’s a skincare enthusiast with a pension for eyeliner, sunscreen and drugstore skincare (yeah, drugstore!) Tandy took time from her busy schedule to chat with us about her beauty habits, community service and her vision for young girls.
Recently, the California Native, relocated to Vancouver, British Columbia to work on her latest TV project called “UnReal.”
With a climate that’s a little less forgiving than California’s, Tandy switched up her skincare routine a little when she moved to B.C., but stuck still stuck with her favorite basics. “I’m really big on eye creams. I love Clinique All About Eyes ($32, at sephora.com).” With oily, acne prone skin, Tandy is serious about her skincare and cocktails weekly exfoliation using a Clarisonic and ProActive with Dove White Beauty Bar ($4.49, at drugstores.com). After a 12-hour day on set, her skin needs a break. To break down heavy camera makeup, she love Neutrogena Oil-Free Cleansing Wipes for Acne-Prone Skin With Pink Grapefruit ($4.15, at target.com) “When you’re prone to acne and you get really oily skin, you gotta get that junk off,” she states. She’s got a serious policy about taking her makeup before bed even if it’s just a wash with her favorite facial bar soap.
When she’s not on set, you’re likely to find her working with her non-profit mentoriship program, “Girl Talk.” “I’ve always been passionate about mentorship. I got involved in Who’s Your Hero, a program for young girls age 9-11 and I created a youth program called Girl Talk for teenagers specifically, to let girls know that they can be strong in who they are.” Living her life in the limelight, Tandy knows a thing or two about the pressures young girls face to conform, her personal motto is “Remember you are enough—just accept that. This business will constantly try to knock you down. Try your hardest to be confident in who you are. You are enough—you are beautiful. You have to be the hero of your own life.” We hear you, girl.
Gearing up for the third season of Survivor’s Remorse, filming Un-Real all while also working on a few side project of her own, Meagan Tandy is the definition of a Black Girl Magic, and she’s living proof that her personal mantra “Believe it, conceive it and receive it” is always at work!