My medicine cabinet is a trove of vitamins, and amongst the heap are supplements that claim to promote healthier hair, nails, and skin. A moment of honesty: I don’t know if they work. If a supplement contains Biotin, the popular vitamin B complex that’s associated with beauty benefits, I simply and maybe naively assume they do. However, Tamara Bernadot, co-founder and Chief Nutrition Officer at Persona, says there is little evidence to back up the ingredient’s promised benefits. For results, she suggests supplements with horsetail extract instead.
“Horsetail plant extract is a perennial herb which has been shown to support hair and nail health,” says Bernadot. “Research has connected the ingredient with supporting cellular energy and blood flow, which are vital in supporting healthy hair, nails, and skin.” I’m always game for taking expert advice, so I moseyed over to Amazon to shop for my new beauty enhancer.
I found a never-ending list of vitamins formulated with the special ingredient, but below, are supplements that ranked highest with customers. If you too want healthier hair, nails, and skin, then check out the best formulas for getting all of the above below.