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The past year may have been a trying one, but there was certainly no shortage of beauty innovation to choose from. Here are our picks for the products that work for us.
There’s something so exhilarating about purchasing a new beauty item—the feel of its sleek packaging in your hands, the ideating around where it will live on your vanity, the endless possibilities of how it will enhance your already established regimen. Whether it be in a minimal or maximal capacity, beauty products play an important role in our lives, so it’s essential to only fill our stashes with the best of the best. We understand, however, that it can be just about impossible to effectively sift through the hundreds of hair, makeup, skin care, body and fragrance launches that we’re inundated with every day. Fortunately, your friends at ESSENCE and a squad of industry experts have got your back. We’ve put all the goodies to the test so that you don’t have to. The judges have made their decisions and the winners are in! Our 2021 Best in Black Beauty Awards highlight the cream of the crop. Behold, the lotions, potions and tools that deserve all of your coin.