Over the weekend, singer Keke Wyatt surprised the Internet, revealing she and husband Zackariah Darring are expecting their second child together. What made that news a major topic of discussion for some is because this will be, according to Wyatt, her 11th child.
She shared the news with a stunning solo photo shoot, and then a family photo.
“My husband, Zackariah David Darring and I are proud to announce that our family will be adding a ‘plus 1’ to the Wyatt Bunch! #Baby11”
The star’s biological children come from three different marriages. She had three children with Rahmat Morton, four with Michael Ford, and now, two (including the littlest one on the way) with Darring. In the marriage to Ford, he has a daughter from a past relationship named Mickayla, and Darring also has a daughter, from a previous relationship named Takhia. Wyatt embraces both girls as her own. That being said, if we’ve done our research, math and connected the dots properly, this is technically the ninth time Wyatt will give birth, but we love that she includes everyone when she talks about her children. Whatever people might think of the news, a baby is a blessing.
For Wyatt, all of her children are her pride and joy. She once told the Christian Post that she believed that one of the reasons she’s here on earth is for the purpose of being a mother.
“I think I have an anointing on motherhood,” she said in 2017. “I know it sounds funny, but I really think that it’s a gift of mine. That’s one of my many gifts [and] talents. It can be difficult, but when you love something and are passionate about it, it’s not really that hard.”
If you follow the singer, she often shares family moments on social media, from her doing their hair to the star dancing and making music with her brood at home. While she has a full house, it’s one that seems to be filled with laughter. And the kids that fill up her abode are beautiful. See all of the kiddos that she showers with love (online and in real life) that make up her happy family below.
Ke’Riah, 2
Mickayla, 18
Ketarah, 13
Ke’Yoshi, 6 (Soon to be 7)
Kendall Miguel, 4
Rahjah, 19 (Soon to be 20)
Ke’Mar, 11
Wyatt Michael, 9
Keyver, 21
Takhia (Pictured With Ketarah)