Happy Resurrection Day! Growing up, Easter Sunday was a big deal in my family. I can’t help but smile when I think of the nights spent coloring eggs or the unbelievable excitement I enjoyed in finding those same eggs the next day during our egg hunt.
Now that I am older, Easter is about so much more. It is about hope, possibility, perseverance and ultimately God’s intercession on man’s behalf. Let’s be clear, this is not an attempt to convert anyone to my faith. It is an invitation to grasp and understand the powerful, life-changing principles demonstrated in the life of Jesus Christ.
For me, He is God. For you, he may be a prophet or just a controversial historical figure. One thing for sure is that His impact was irrefutable—two thousand years later, we are still talking about Him.
As a survivor of depression, I believe in resurrection. I believe that when life looks and seems absolutely hopeless, there is still the possibility of change. Mankind is filled with talent and potential beyond what we dare to imagine! But many of us fear our own potential! So, we settle for what we believe we can have.
This Resurrection Day, I want to encourage you to dare to live again. Have the audacity to wipe your mental slate clean and give yourself another chance. In fact, give yourself a thousand more chances—if that is what it takes to live your dream.
I believe that God is committed to our success and when we fall short it isn’t because He is working against us. Sometimes, it is because we haven’t fully committed to ourselves. Begin to experience resurrection in your life and commit to:
1. Purpose: For years, as I battled through depression for my mind, I was overwhelmed by feelings and thoughts of insignificance. I didn’t know where, or if, I fit in. Everything I attempted seemed to fail and with each disappointment the cycle would begin again. Over time, I learned that my existence is evidence of my purpose. Purpose doesn’t need to be found, it just needs to be lived. Don’t spend too much time wondering what you are supposed to do. Follow your heart and express your gifts…over time, your path will emerge.
2. Passionate Pursuit: Once I found my path, I spent too many years playing it safe. If there is no skin in the game, it isn’t worth playing. This is not an encouragement to abandon responsibility or live recklessly. But rather, a prompt to make time for your passions every day. Whatever it is you love, nurture it. Spend time studying, developing and sharing it with others.
3. Perseverance: I recently read an article about three businesswomen. One was asked the secret behind her success and she simply replied, “I always get up one more time than I fail.” Failure is an inevitable. But we must simply see it as an investment in our education. Learn the lessons and study it like you would any other textbook full of the information you need to improve your circumstances.
Do Your Work: Research the lives of successful people in an area of interest to you. Study their thoughts on purpose, passion, pursuit and perseverance. Let me help you resurrect your dreams, schedule a free 20-minute coaching session.
Define Your Wealth: “Today, I start a new life and I’m moving in a new direction. I choose to thrive!”
Recently named the “North America’s Next Greatest Speaker” by eWomenNetwork, Coach Felicia is a Certified Empowerment Coach™ who empowers her clients to “Turn their Worth into Wealth” as she partners with them to DISCOVER their WORTH, DO the WORK and DEFINE their WEALTH. Get more insight, download the FREE “8 Choices Winners Must Make” seminar MP3 on her website.