Kobe and Vanessa Bryant welcomed their new baby girl earlier this month, and they are now sharing her first pic with the public.
And her name: Bianka Bella Bryant.
In a photo shared by the basketball legend via an instagram on Wednesday, his new baby is preciously wrapped up in a pink swaddle and matching bonnet.
“@VanessaBryant and I are beyond excited to welcome our newest baby girl, Bianka!!” Kobe’s caption read.
His adorable hashtags also show he is a proud father: #BabyBlessing #SweetBaby #AnotherAngel
In Vanessa’s version of the post, she shared that Bianka was born seven pounds, five ounces on December 5, 2016.
The couple already have two daughters – Natalia, 13, and Gianna, 10. Bianka makes three.

“They want me home more,” Kobe told Yahoo Sports about his daughters. He retired from the NBA last April. “I love being around them… I’m just Dad. It’s awesome.”
We wonder if he was the one to swaddle Bianka with that perfect technique!
Congrats to that happy family on the new addition.