“I’m a conservative because of how my parents raised me. People have been drawn in by the Obama persona. They don’t look at his policies or what he’s done. He’s just this celebrity they are drawn to. People voted for him because they got caught up in history, and that’s why this country has gone through what it has in the past three years. I was not comfortable with his past or his experience. I’m not saying the Republican Party is perfect, but it is the party that most aligns with my beliefs. I look at what today’s Democratic Party leaders are pushing and I don’t think that a lot of the Democrats fully understand what their leaders push and believe. If you believe in the Constitution you’re called an extremist, but those who are on the far left are never called extreme.”
“It’s okay to go against the grain, be bold enough within yourself and realize that your values line up more with the Republican Party versus staying with what you were born into. This has been a journey for me. No matter what your story is, don’t stay where you are because that’s all you know or you’re afraid of the backlash. I’m more than just an African American and I’m more than just a woman. I’m an individual who believes, stands for, and lives out what the Republican Party platform is.”
“There’s no institutional racism in the Republican party. Show me a fact that shows it exists. I understand that’s a perception but it’s wrong, and I discount the notion entirely. I’ve heard our leadership condemn racism whenever it arises, but let’s stop holding the Republican Party hostage for past wrongs. Let’s talk about present day to the extent where we can build bridges and find common ground.
“Black women need to know Mitt Romney had a record of diversity in his cabinet with women and minorities when he was Governor of Massachusetts. He worked with faith leaders to bring down crime. He almost closed the educational gap of Black students using choice as a model. He’s got pro-growth policies that are going to put Black small business owners who have been devastated in this economy. If what the government is doing right now isn’t working, we have to come up with another solution. If you don’t agree with Governor Romney’s policies, then what about President Obama’s do you agree with?”
“Once I met my husband eight years ago, we’d talk about politics and he got me into it and understanding what my true values are and how we want to raise our family and live our lives. We felt that the Republican Party aligns with our values and the way we want to see the country go. I support the fact the Governor Romney comes from a business background. Being a businesswoman and my husband being a small business owner, it means a lot to have someone who has been in your shoes and think like you think. I want small government and I don’t want tax increases, and those are things that I feel the Republican Party continues to embrace and deliver. I feel like Mitt Romney brings a lot of that to the table.”
“What troubles me is that under Barack Obama, unemployment for Black Americans is almost twice the national average. In 2011, Black unemployment soared the highest it had been since 1984 at 16 percent. These are things that Mitt Romney addressed when he spoke to the NAACP and he laid out a plan that centered on family. Keeping the family intact by getting kids to graduate from high school, finish college, delay marriage until all of that is completed and their chances of dropping into poverty is 5 percent. Romney talked about school choice and school vouchers. These are the foundations one needs to be economically successful. And these are the things Black people need to consider when thinking about who they are going to vote for in this election.”
“Being a Republican has alienated people in my personal life, family and friends. No one ever said it would be easy to live this life as a conservative Black woman. If I have to endure that kind of abuse and borderline harassment for that decision, I’m okay with it. I’ll just have to deal with it.”