Day 15
I’ve been practicing loving discipline for the past 15 days. I made a challenge to myself two weeks ago to stop chewing, to throw away the crutches of cookies and cocktails and to clean my bodily temple.
I took a step out of my carbohydrate-lined safety zone. On the other side I find myself lighter, clearer and happily existing on the Martha’s Vineyard Diet Detox where I ingest liquids every 2 hours and treat myself to sexy veggie drinks at juice bars. By sticking to this regime I’ve lost 17 pounds.
Now the countdown clock is ticking. The New York Knicks and I have shown great promise this season. I don’t know about them but I’m going for the playoffs.
Day 16
I had a moment today. I found myself lingering and gazing in the window of a restaurant. I wasn’t hungry. It’s just that…it was there, so I flipped it. I stopped looking at the food and looked at myself in the window. My stomach is flat, my cheekbones are defined, my hips have gone down and my waistband is loose. I smile.
Will power is a powerful tool. With no food distractions I’ve been able to set my sails to the tasks at hand. And I’ve accomplished this in a most healthy way, where I was able to go about my normal, busy life. When I was in high school I went on a lettuce diet in order to get ready for the prom. By the time prom came I was too weak to go. Trust me, by Day 22 I’ll be so ready to go out and dance.
Day 17
My morning ritual is to start with the pre-packaged metaberries juice and then I pack my small bottle, which I’ll use throughout the day to mix my powders and other powdered drinks in. I can easily travel with what I need. My friends, Maia and Donna were looking at me very strangely when I asked to stop by their house at a specific time to warm up my homemade cauliflower and broccoli soup. I’ve learned that as long as I stick with the program it takes care of me.
Day 18
My crazy, fun dreams are back. Must be the toxins leaving my system. Last night I was in the musical of the film that I’m looking at producing. Music by Scott Joplin, Jay-Z and Sade, and dresses by Laura Smalls, my favorite designer.
Day 19
On Day 22 I tell myself I’m going to treat myself to a vanilla almond milk protein shake with a bit of ice to froth it up. I’ve been thinking about maintenance post-detox. I’ll want to eat lightly as I introduce food again. I’m thinking veggies, some protein, lots of water and mineral supplements.
Day 20
What’s my truth? What have I learned over the last 20 days?
I had a challenge and was led to turn it over to God’s love and wisdom. At times I thought that I couldn’t make it but I learned to surrender, be grateful and realize that the solution didn’t lie with me. I wanted to get closer to my essence and be healthy, unencumbered by burdens. On this journey I learned that something greater than me always moves mountains and that my life was going to change — for the better.
My mother’s favorite hymn was “What A Friend We Have in Jesus.” She has been gone these many years but in my time of daily reflection I can clearly hear her singing, O What peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.
One more day to go. The victory is mine.
Day 21
I’ve lost 23 pounds, thank you very much.
Everyone should have a theme song. A song that makes you feel invincible — that you dance around the house to in your sexy new underwear (2 sizes smaller) when it comes on. When I was in my teens it used to be “You Wear It Well” by DeBarge. It’s time to revisit. My journey has left me with the inspiration to make a commitment to effect positive change in my life and to share with others.
As sung by El DeBarge, “You wear it well, Go on with your bad self”!
Happy Life!
Read Lisa’s week 1 and 2 detox diary. You can also view a daily schedule that will explain what she’s doing here.