And it is projected that 230,480 women will be diagnosed with new cases of breast cancer.
“African-American women bear a particularly large burden, experiencing higher death rates from breast cancer than other racial or ethnic groups in the United States,” Obama said. “…We recommit to supporting the hard-working researchers, health-care providers, advocates, and organizations dedicated to treating and curing this devastating disease.”
The Obama Administration has pledged to combat the disease through The Affordable Care Act, which offers health services like mammograms at no additional cost (studies have shown that the death rate is lower for women who received mammograms and began medical treatment sooner).
Also, women who are at high risk for breast cancer will not see a hike in prices if they see a physician about protective methods. The White House formed a committee to raise awareness about how obesity and family history are strong risk factors and how early detection can make a difference.
Last night, Obama followed a tradition set by President George W. Bush in 2008. A pink light glowed across the north side of the White House and the Naval Observatory in recognition of the cause.