Remy Ma is likely breathing a sigh of relief as assault charges against the rapper have been dropped.
Back in April, fellow Love & Hip Hop: New York star Brittney Taylor accused the rapper of punching her during a benefit concert.
However, TMZ reports that prosecutors were unable to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Remy had committed the assault. The judge dismissed the case due to a lack of evidence as there was no surveillance video of the assault and no eye witnesses.
Remy, whose birth name is Reminisce Mackie, initially was charged with four counts: one count of aggravated harassment, two counts of assault, and another count of harassment in the second degree.
She maintained her innocence throughout the entire ordeal.
Dawn Florio, the rapper’s attorney, told TMZ, “Remy has always maintained her complete innocence as she never laid a hand on her celebrity-obsessed, clout chasing, credibility challenged accuser. Unfortunately, these manufactured allegations caused my client to suffer the indignities of having to wear an ankle monitor while having her freedom limited by travel restrictions and an 8:00 p.m. curfew.”
“These restrictions have hurt my client’s ability to perform, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars of lost income,” Florio added. “District Attorney Vance’s office should be commended for its exercise of sound judgment in agreeing to dismiss these unwarranted charges.”
While promoting Cyber Monday make up deals on Instagram, Remy wrote in a caption: “This that ‘Case Dismissed’ beat!”