Who would have ever thought we would see the day when Remy Ma would be supporting Nicki Minaj?
Remy, who is one of the co-hosts of Revolt TV’s State Of The Culture series, said she understood where Nicki Minaj was coming from on Queen Radio last week when Nicki confronted her fellow SOTC co-host, Joe Budden, for spreading what she likes to refer to as “misinformation.”
“Well, it’s her show,” Remy said. “And if I can get someone that has been pissing me off for the past couple of years to sit there and tell them to “’Shut the f*ck up’ and make sure that they are shutting the f*ck up, and turning their mic off and black on them and know that nothing is going to happen, and that they’re going to be [sit there] like, “Can I speak?” or “Can I respond?” I’m going to wyle on you. AND I got Pap standing right there?! Absolutely… I’m going to go all the way in.”
The Bronx rapper, reality star, wife and proud mom even said she sympathized with Nicki’s point of view, despite how aggressive her delivery was.
“I watched it, and I felt some of the things she was saying because I know how that feels,” Remy continued. “To feel like people who were supposed to be your friends or people that you thought was cool with you, and then they say some left-field sh*t. You be like ‘Damn, I thought we was aight.’ I know that feeling, it’s upsetting. It makes you angry. It makes you want to come for them.”
Watch the full interview in the first video above, with Remy’s commentary on Nicki Minaj vs Joe Budden beginning at about the 3:45 mark.
Growth, it’s what’s for dinner.