Solange Knowles is reclaiming her time and energy.
The singer deleted her Twitter account on Tuesday after calling activist Takiyah Thompson a hero and writing, “Deleting my Twitter soon, but before I dip, when we gonna pull up?”
Takiyah Thompson, a 22-year-old student at North Carolina University, is the hero responsible for pulling down a Confederate monument in Durham, North Carolina.
Thompson was arrested on Tuesday and charged with participating in a riot with property damage in excess of $1,500, inciting a riot with damage that exceed $1,500, disorderly conduct, and property damage.
The activist was given $10,000 unsecured bond and is set to appear in court on Wednesday.
After deleting her Twitter account, Solange took to Instagram to further explain her decision to leave the platform, sharing a note via Instagram Stories.
“Been trying to study myself,” she wrote. “Been trying to practice self preservation during this time and not give racist ugly ass f—k bois who reek of citronella my energy.”
While we’ll miss Solange on Twitter, practicing some form of self-care is important, especially during this time, so we understand her need to leave the platform. Thankfully, the singer still has Instagram.