T.I.’s TIDAL x Money Talk & Education challenge has paid off in a huge and inspiring way for youth across the globe.
The initiative, which was first announced in May, encouraged young people to submit proposals detailing their plans to promote educational awareness within their communities through on and offline education-based fundraising efforts. The contest ran from May 4 through June 15. According to a press release from TIDAL, 86 participants got involved for their chance to win the challenge and T.I. will now keep his promise by matching the $35,000 in funds raised by the six finalists selected. T.I.’s $35K combined with the $46K+ that was raised by all 86 challenge participants brings the total amount donated through the TIDAL x Money Talk Education Challenge to more than $81,000.
Details on the six finalists’ organizations are as follows:
Fate Loves The Fearless – Education and mentorship program to help Detroit youth excel in school; funds raised will go towards the renovation of a new facility.
Shaw Inspires “Teen-Preneurs”– In-school, after school, weekend and summer mentoring and leadership program for youth ages 11-25; funds raised will help the program expand to Baltimore and Charleston.
The Musicianship’s 2016 Summer Camp – Summer camp that provides music lessons for young people; funds will be used to buy instruments, supplies, support music instructors, and provide a college scholarship.
Generation You Employed – Program that helps the unemployed youth with skills and job readiness in five countries (Kenya, India, Spain, Mexico and the United States); they plan to train one million unemployed young people and place them in jobs by 2020; funds raised will go towards expanding into Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City.
Educate Me College Tour – Annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) College Tour provides cultural and educational experiences that inspire students to examine concerns and personal interests during their college selection process.
Truancy Intervention Project (TIP) 25th Anniversary – The dropout prevention agency partners trained community volunteers with children in the Atlanta and Fulton County Public School Systems who are chronically absent from school and, as a result, either become involved in the juvenile court or are referred for early intervention at the school level.
Congratulations to the finalists and kudos to T.I. for using his platform to spread the word about the importance of education.
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