"Did you really use your STAGE to tear down and diminish one of the strongest most fearless black women IN this town as the world watched???" wrote Tyrese.
Chris Rock’s hosting performance has received some mixed reviews, but one vocal critic has taken to Instagram.
Tyrese wasn’t happy with Chris Rock for taking shots at Jada Pinkett Smith and shared his thoughts with fans via Instagram. The singer/actor summed up his feelings by captioning the video,
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“I didn’t watch – I didn’t – but online people are talking and someone posted the tasteless joke that Chris Rock did in his opening – Did you really use your STAGE to tear down and diminish one of the strongest most fearless black women IN this town as the world watched??? Jokes are just jokes right???? Not when someone is trying to affect change……… Not when someone is willing to put it ALL on the line to affect change for our daughters and sons of the future…….. Shame on you Chris Rock – Now let me run to YouTube and watch Leo’s acceptance speech………… So fucking proud of you Leo……”
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Others have come to Jada’s defense as well, with fans making valid points about the backlash Jada received when she decided to boycott. However, many thought Rock was spot on and that the jokes weren’t as harsh as they could have been.
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Tyrese, if it’s any consolation, Oscar ratings we’re pretty low this year, so maybe Jada got the last laugh.