When you become a member of Sephora’s Beauty Insider loyalty program (it’s free to join, sis), you can enjoy various benefits. This includes exclusive access to seasonal savings events like Sephora’s spring sale–now underway. With discounts of up to 20% off site-wide, this is a great opportunity to try new beauty products and restock your favorites from brands like Milk Makeup, Makeup by Mario and Fenty Beauty.
The sale will continue until April 15, allowing you enough time to review your empties, check out your wishlist and create a well-rounded shopping list. But if you want to peruse the products our editors are restocking during Sephora’s spring sale, continue reading. Here’s a glance at the key players on our beauty roster, with many earning the prestigious title of ESSENCE’s Best In Black Beauty.
Combat skin bumps, dead skin and clogged pores with this innovative body serum formulated with squalane for intense hydration and AHAs for gentle exfoliation.
With medium coverage and a natural finish, this foundation is your secret weapon for looking effortlessly fresh, fabulous and dewy all day long. Plus, it’s long-wearing and hydrating, so you can kiss touch-ups goodbye.Available at Sephora