It’s been seven months since outspoken comedian Dave Chappelle hosted the first post-election episode of Saturday Night Live. Though much controversy has followed the election of Donald Trump, Chappelle made light of the situation saying the American people should “give him a chance” as commander-in-chief.
“I’m wishing Donald Trump luck,” Chappelle said on the late night show. “And I’m going to give him a chance, and we, the historically disenfranchised, demand that he give us one too.”
Stopping by The Late Show on Wednesday night, the famed funny man followed up with host Stephen Colbert about his current feelings Trump.
“It’s not like I wanted to give him a chance that night,” he began with laughs from the crowd following. “In the last six months, I think we’re all getting an education about the presidency. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard just in popular discourse people discussing ethics this much. I didn’t even realize how ethics was necessarily supposed to work at that level of government. And he’s putting all this stuff to the forefront.”

Going on to say that Trump’s unfortunate and shocking win made many white Americans understand how Black Americans feel during every election, Chappelle related both Trump and Obama’s presidencies to showing the country how traction works.
“I think it speaks to how effective Obama’s presidency was,” he said. “Donald Trump’s the other foot. Good foot, bad foot; good foot, bad foot. I think we’re making moves. I think he’s gonna make a more informed and better voter. We’ll figure it out. We’ll work it out.”
Referring to Trump’s current title as POTUS, the multi-millionaire joked to Colbert and the audience that it’s like having a “bad DJ at a good party,” right before cutting to commercial break.