It feels weird writing a “best of the decade” list as we head into 2020. The 2010s seemed to have past by so quickly, even though it feels like recent years have dragged on for centuries already.
The decade in music has been nothing short of insane as the industry rapidly changed to reflect the tastes of internet and streaming-obsessed listeners.
Many artists have dropped some of their best work to date as they focused on figuring out who exactly they wanted to be in this decade, which made it pretty hard to roundup just ten of the best songs of the decade.

The below are, arguably, the best of what the 2010s had to offer with artists such as Beyoncé, who left a massive cultural mark on music, to Kendrick Lamar, who’s singles have become protest anthems. Whether you agree or not, it will be fun to see what these artists tackle in the decade to come, maybe our best of the 2020s list will be something completely different.