Empire’s season finale was a tangled web of lies and love that left us all in disarray. The Charlotte of this web is Anika who displayed a distinct desperation to be the apple of the Lyons family’s eye all season long.
“What You Won’t Do For Love” by Bobby Caldwell softly plays in the back of my head as I think about the lengths Anika has gone to have love and to be loved. She tried everything and she didn’t give up. From sleeping with her ex-fiance’s (now husband’s) son to playing a lesbian to keep in Cookie’s good graces and lastly pushing Ronda down the stairs so that she could have the heir to the Lyon’s throne. Anika has a thing for this family, and she can’t let go.
But what love is Anika truly after? Does she miss the fame, the attention or the idea of running an empire? Whatever her heart is desiring she’s been calculating and cunning all season long.
Twitter was in agreement when they coined her a “devil in a red dress” as we saw her marry her unborn child’s grandfather, Lucious.
Anika looked like the devil in a red dress at that wedding. Y'all playing up her deviltry ain't ya? #Empire
Although Lucious made it clear that he wasn’t fooled by her tricks and that he was marrying her to save himself, there was a sense of satisfaction that Anika finally had the Lyon last name.
One of the worst feelings in the world is to love someone who doesn’t love you. Nevertheless, Anika is holding on to the desire and the mere thought of having that old thing back so she can’t let go.
Everything just seemed to fall right into place for Anika’s plans to be a Lyon until the end of the episode. She went toe to toe with Ronda, who too will do just about anything to have her seat in the Lyon’s den. This web of deception has unraveled. None of us know Anika’s fate, but one thing we do know is that she tried everything for the sake of “love.”
Do you think Anika’s attempts for love would be all in vain or do you think she’ll be victorious next season?