Keke Palmer refuses to let people, especially those supporting the movement for Black Lives, believe that her daytime talk show, Strahan, Sara & Keke was canceled by ABC because she chose to protest and march.
Reports recently revealed that ABC shelved Strahan, Sara & Keke, making room for GMA 3: What You Need to Know, a series that will touch on pressing news topics. The network’s “third hour” of Good Morning America has long been a space for failed experiments for the network. Previously, ABC launched Good Afternoon America, only for it to be canceled a short time later.
The timing incited rumors that the show had been pushed aside because of Palmer going viral at a protest back in June. The actress called out National Guardsmen present at a Black Lives Matter protest in Los Angeles, asking that they march alongside protesters in a sign of solidarity. Video of her giving an impassioned speech to them went viral instantly.
Palmer posted a popular meme promoting the rumors on Instagram to passionately refute them in the caption. “I want to speak on this simply because I hate the narrative that if you speak your mind as a Black person that you will in some way be punished,” she wrote.
“I have seen this going around and at first I ignored, but in this climate I realized this is a dangerous message to send to our generation and the generation coming up. If anything my speaking out showed the corporations I work with how important my voice is and anyone that has a POV,” Palmer continued.
Palmer revealed that her appearance on the show was due to the ongoing relationship she has with the show’s parent company and she was “never signed” to Strahan, Sara & Keke as a permanent host of the series.
She encouraged fans to see her as “a brand that works with the corporation Disney/ABC News.”
“That does not mean the relationship I have with them dies, that means it evolves,” Palmer added.

The actress-turned-daytime-talk-show-host shared that she was hesitant to explain the inner workings of the entertainment industry because of the complications. “I hate talking about business because it can seem a bit weird and gets quite technical,” she added.
But Palmer said she felt obligated to go into the details of her deal so that others wouldn’t feel pressured to choose between their career and their conscience.
“But when I see such fear mongering comments I want to speak out so that no one ever feels or thinks that speaking out will cost them their job! I’m sure it can and has before, but let’s also recognize when it has not. That way more of us with our own minds speak out against any injustices we see,” she added.
Palmer ended her lenghty statement by saying that she felt her spirituality protected her from being punished for following her beliefs.
“Trust me, walking in my truth has always made my blessings OVERFLOW and connect to those that are like minded and not with those that are not. Do not believe this lie. Stay courageous and stay true because GOD HAS YOU ALWAYS,” she concluded.