Earlier this month, #1 New York Times bestselling author Pastor Mike Todd released his new book, Damaged But Not Destroyed: From Trauma to Triumph, offering a pathway to transformation for anyone navigating through life’s obstacles.
Pastor Mike’s inspiration for this book stems from a rare place of vulnerability, as he shares stories about his childhood, which will especially resonate with so many people walking through similar paths of healing.
“Everybody I was running into, they were feeling weighed down and almost paralyzed by their damage,” Todd says of the impetus for the new book.
“I was like, okay, I got to do this right now,” he adds. “It is like people need to know that no matter what they’ve lost, no matter how many layers there have been put on them, that they still have value.”

As pastor of Transformation Church in Tulsa, OK, Mike has become known for his innate ability to make messages of faith relevant and accessible to people from all walks of life. He, nor anyone he speaks to, is perfect. The 36-year-old feels that those flaws can also be used in a positive manner if internalized correctly.
“I believe that our damage is a blessing in disguise if we don’t let it paralyze us, if we don’t stay there,” he explains. “That’s why I’m telling everybody in this book, man, the whole goal is to take your trauma to triumph. Your pain can become your platform.”
Pastor Mike Todd’s new release, Damaged But Not Destroyed is on bookshelves now.