After what seemed like an eternity, Power is finally back with Season 3!! The episode starts with Angela and Jamie/Ghost/James officially, publicly, a couple, trying to make a life together. This includes Chinese takeout, jockeying for space in Angela’s cramped apartment, and having sex against Jamie’s desk in his office. You know, the usual. Angela even says she’s ready to meet the kids when Jamie is ready. Which… girl.
Tasha will have to be dead, turned to ashes & scattered in the Hudson before Angela can meet Ghost's kids. #PowerPremiere #DatPowa
— ☔️ April ☔️ (@ReignOfApril) July 18, 2016
Angela is worried about Greg so she’s now packing heat in her sequined clutch and asking for traces on his cell phone from colleagues at work who aren’t about to lose their government benefits behind her scary behind. This is with good reason. Greg is on Angela’s trail and knows that James is Ghost. He’s still suspended from work but no matter. He’s brought much of it home with him in the form of the Stalker Shrine: a wall covered with pics of those involved with Ghost’s organization as he tries to connect the dots.
Greg has that Fatal Attraction type of feel to him, so fixated and obsessed w/ Angela and Lobos. #PowerPremiere
— Mike Hanley (@Magic20099) July 18, 2016
Ghost is attempting to live a clean life with his new nightclubs. It’s cute, really, because Ghost would be better off going vegan than trying to get out of the game if he wants to live clean. He’s brought (An)Dré into his business at Truth, for whom club life is too slow, and he also fires Kantos in front of everyone, before Kantos has a chance to tell Ghost that Greg was sniffing around.
With Ghost out of the game, Tommy attempts to keep the business going with limited success. He’s a great #2, but no leader. Julio and Tommy attempt to settle corner disputes, Tommy moves around the city, assuring dealers, and then Tommy sends a message via a bubble-wrapped drug dealer. Creative, that one.
Julio is skeptical about Tommy’s management style and speaks to Ghost about it at the club. Angela recognizes Julio from Tommy’s files. The area code tattooed on his neck in 144-point font is a dead giveaway, but Jamie tells Angela the truth about their past working relationship. Ghost tells Julio that he’s out, to which Julio says they’re still working with Lobos, much to Ghost’s surprise.
Julio's realizing how much of a hothead Tommy is. Might be time for a career change. #PowerPremiere #PowerTV @JR8Ramirez
— Rebecca Theodore (@FilmFatale_NYC) July 18, 2016
Ghost sees on his office security camera that a waitress named Tatiana placed the La Araña card on his desk. This is the same type of card Ghost used when killing Drifty and Vladimir, and supposedly the mark of the Jiménez. When Tatiana doesn’t show up for work, Ghost goes to her apartment and finds blood everywhere, but we don’t actually see her body. Dré later finds the card in Ghost’s desk but plays it off.
Angela requests to transfer departments at work for a fresh start but is denied. She’s still on the Task Force since Felipe Lobos is alive. This falls under “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” since we later learn that her boss, Sandoval, is actually working for Lobos. Sandoval tells Lobos that they’re going to proceed with a John Doe prosecution: everyone will be led to believe that Lobos is dead, which will ostensibly protect him while he is prosecuted.
With Lobos “dead,” his assets are frozen, which causes him to lean on Tommy to kill Ghost even sooner, and threaten Tommy’s family to show that he means business. Angela tells Ghost that Lobos is alive but that Lobos thinks the Jiménez were trying to kill him. So the list of those who know the “top secret” info that Lobos is really alive is about as long as a CVS receipt. Sidebar: Lobos truly provides the comic relief for the show. I need him to die for Ghost’s sake, but I LIVE for his scenes.
Am I the only person that thinks Lobos should get more screen time? That dude is amazing #PowerPremiere
— He Hate Me Jr (@AirPatrick730) July 18, 2016
Ghost tells Tasha that their kids, Tariq and Raina, need to know about Angela. After the side-eye heard ‘round the world, Tasha says that the kids actually need to know more about Shawn’s death since he was around them so often. Ghost and Tasha tell the kids about Shawn together in a weird black on black crime reference and Ghost also says he has no intention of moving back home. Privately, Ghost tells Tasha the truth: that Kanan killed Shawn, Ghost killed Kanan (he thought!), and that he’s out the game. Tommy confirms this for Tasha.
Tommy comes home to find Holly gone and their dog killed. I would’ve been fine had these roles been reversed; Holly irks me and it’s only Episode One. Watch Power every Sunday night on Starz and catch the recap right here every Monday!