It's been a cold winter without new episodes of Scandal in our lives. In anticipation of the show's return tonight, we're warming up to our favorite "Olitz" memes.
If only….no doubt this would sell out in seconds if it ever really happened.
When Jake From State Farm Got In The Mix
Oh, Jake From State Farm, there’s just no room for you in our favorite love triange. Sorry, buddy!
When We Started Calling Each Other Out
Scandal is great. But, thankfully it’s only TV, because we get the feeling the shenanigans that occur on the show would never sit well with you in real life.
When Fitz Played Olivia One Too Many Times
This one is a classic. Raise your hand if you’ve ever spent a little too long waiting on the wrong guy to come around. Better yet, click that “like” button. We’re with you!
When Charles Ramsey Weighed In
Overnight internet sensation, and hero, Charles Ramsey, popped up on this viral Scandal meme just days after making the news for saving three women held captive for over a decade in Ohio.
When We Photoshopped Their Family
America’s next First Family or a train wreck waiting to happen? You tell us!
When Olivia Set Fitz Straight
This one made the digital rounds when fans rejoiced as Olivia finally gave Fitz a piece of her mind.
Article continues after video.
When Fans Found Out There Is Still “Hope”
When Olivia finally gave in and told Fitz that there is still “hope” for them, we all melted like hot butter. We shall see. Are you still rooting for their love?
When Olivia’s Love Saga Became Juicier Than Our Own
Whether you’re happily married or single and mingling, chances are your love life is not as juicy as Olivia’s. Now ladies, don’t go ruining a good relationship just to get your gladiator on. It’s not a called a “made for TV” romance for no reason.
When We Wondered What FLOTUS Would Say
Purely in fun, this meme starring FLOTUS, went viral after First Lady Mellie Grant realized the president was desperately trying to make Olivia Pope the new first lady.
When Mellie Fought Back
Scandal‘s conniving FLOTUS wasn’t having that, and we knew Beyonce would know just what to say.