GOING WITH THE FLOW: “My clothes reflect my mood, which depends on the day. Weather is a huge factor. I typically feel more creative in warmer weather.”
REPPIN’ FOR THE BROWN GIRLS: “When I was growing up, I never really saw girls like me in ads. As much as I don’t like putting myself out there, I think it’s my duty to use my platform to show young Black girls that we do exist and use my voice to inspire them.”
PRIZED POSSESSIONS: “A pair of bell-bottom pants that I had made in Nairobi last year. I picked out the fabric at the market with my mom and she took me to the tailor. And a pair of Nike Flyknits. I ran my first 15K in those shoes—very memorable.”
FASHION FAVES: “I like Loza Maléombho, Omondi, Azede Jean-Pierre, Maki Oh and Phlemuns.”
BEAUTY MINIMALIST: “My must-haves are coconut oil, an Anastasia eyebrow pencil and Glossier Boy Brow groomer.”
GO-TO APP: “I use Long Form, which allows me to read articles from different publications and writers.”