Your wardrobe is like a reflection of where you’re at in life, mentally and emotionally. A lot of the time, what we end up doing is buying the clothes of the person we want to become. There’s nothing wrong with that, but sometimes it causes unnecessary excess. Spring is really the perfect time to figure out where we want to be in life by assessing what makes us happy, what doesn’t, and what habits are helping or hurting us.
That’s why we wanted to help you in your pursuits of creating a wardrobe that reflects all those things. You want to be the best you that you can be, and we want to help make that easier to achieve on the fashion end of things.
Here are some tips we have for spring cleaning your closet with sustainability in mind.
1. Take An Assessment
Sometimes we don’t go through all the things we have thoroughly enough. There are so many gems that have probably not even seen the light of day in your closet, and it’s important not just to keep buying things when you probably have a lot of essentials and good basics.
2. Repair
Instead of throwing clothes away, utilize our new fashion Google that is TikTok, and find hundreds of ways to turn a hole in your shirt into an embroidered design or turn all your old sweaters into mix and match two pieces. There’s an endless way to make old clothes new if you put your mind to it.
3. Clothes Swaps
Before you decide to go to a Good Will or Salvation Army, there’s an even better way to get your clothes to a new home that is cost-effective for you and multiple people. Clothing swaps can help you find new clothes for free and is a step in the direction of anti-capitalism. We tend to overconsume, and I know that retail therapy truly works, but this is a really good replacement for those of you who have a “rich brain” but not a rich wallet like myself.
4. Recycle
Now if you still have a bunch of clothes left that you don’t know what to do with, please do not throw them away. You can recycle clothing that is too damaged to swap or donate. There are still uses for the scraps of clothing that we may think are useless.