Home • Hair 10 Best #GrowingUpBlack Memes About Black Hair As #GrowingUpBlack swept across Black Twitter, the laugh-worthy memes were all too familiar. We've decided to put together 10 of the best #GrowingUpBlack memes that tell the true story of Black hair. By Imani Brammer · Updated October 27, 2020 01 @growingupblack Turning left or right was always a very dramatic affair! Instagram.com/growingupblack 02 @ILLY_IL_ Pink Lotion was always in the closet. It was the first aid kit essential for black hair. Twitter.com/@ILLY_IL_ 03 @JasminBPearson “You better sit still.”– words to always remember. Twitter.com/@JasminBPearson 04 @realsliimshaydy Every little girl had one of these three hairstyles, and if your hair was long, then you were the coolest girl on the block. Don’t lie! Twitter.com/@realsliimshaydy 05 @numbatwoo Let’s be honest: Aunty’s hair was always fresh-out-the-hair-salon done and you couldn’t tell her anything. Twitter.com/ @numbatwoo 06 @jjarroyo These brushes caused you to squint and flinch at the same time. https://instagram.com/jjarroyo/ 07 @growingupblack Blue Magic: The go to for all things hair, scalp and maybe even edges. And that hot comb…just make sure you cover your ears. Instagram.com/growingupblack 08 @growingupblack If you ever returned home with your hair looking different from how your mother did it… Instagram.com/growingupblack 09 @growingupblack And you pray that soap doesn’t get in your eye. This is long before co-wash days. Instagram.com/growingupblack 10 @growingupblack The result of these can be seen in every ol’ school high school year book photo. Instagram.com/growingupblack TOPICS: Meme