We’re thankful for Instagram memes; they’re the digital post that humorously conveys our thoughts around touchy topics. Take going natural for example. It’s a journey that isn’t easily understood, but memes help to put the unique experience into a hilarious perspective. To make a case in point, check out these memes that accurately and hysterically encapsulate the black hair experience.

Sometimes we try to cut cost.

The haters are still going to hate.

Sometimes we have to step out on our stylist.

Sometimes beauty is pain.

Getting your hair braided will test your patience.

We’re surprised by how little people know about natural hair.

The tension is real.

Sometimes we feel defeated.

When it comes to high-end hair products, every little drop counts.

There still aren’t enough women of color in mainstream beauty campaigns.

There’s no feeling worst than having our head scarf come off.

We’ll be rocking baby hair well into adulthood.

The selfie we take when our curls are flourishing.

Hair is our number one priority.

There’s no better feeling than having our edges on point.

Black women can grow long hair, but the haters will say that its photo shopped.

Wash day makes us feel some sort of way.

We use the Hot Comb for special occasions.

Follow the golden rule: say no to relaxers.

The shrinkage is real.

We like to skip right to the point.

We still have to remind people not to touch our hair.

We don’t care for your opinions.

Our future bae will know whats up.