Me: “Hello, my name is Nicole and I’m a compulsive Miss Jessie’s Pillow Soft Curls user.”
Group (in unison): “Hi, Nicole.“
Yes, it’s true. I’m addicted to the latest launch from Miss Jessie’s. Now before you give me the side-eye and say it can’t really be that good, let me tell you why it really is that darn amazing!
I’m probably one of the few naturalists on the face of the planet who does not like wearing twist-outs. One reason is because my type-4 curls are very delicate and don’t do well with the nightly re-twisting that the style requires. The other is because twist-outs never seem to act quite the way I want. I either have one side that’s fluffy and one that’s frizzy or my roots swell up which makes my curls go every-which-way. And puh-leeeze don’t send me the link to so-and-so’s YouTube video. I’d seen a ton of them already and still couldn’t get my twist-out game on point!
Until now! ***hits my Dougie***
Trust me when l tell you that using Miss Jessie’s Pillow Soft Curls was the first time I’d ever looked in the mirror with glee after my morning twist-takedown. The product claims to be “the first fabric softener type setting lotion for your hair” and this describes the wonder cream perfectly. My twist-out was fluffier than ever before and without the frizz. It also smelled like a little slice of heaven! People were complimenting the delicate, fabric-softener fragrance of my curly halo each time they’d walk by.
Now, it’s common for us curly girls to do a little mixology with our hair care products, so I will admit that I also used a tiny tad of Karen’s Body Beautiful Hold It Hair Gel only on the ends of my twists which are more prone to the frizzies upon un-twisting. My only word of caution is that these products can be addictive—beware! I never want to leave home without them! You won’t either.
Miss Jessie’s Pillow Soft Curls, $22, available at Miss Jessie’s.
Karen’s Body Beautiful Hold It Hair Gel, $16, available at Karen’s Body Beautiful.