Most of us will have a haircut at some point during our natural hair journey. Since going natural in 2009, I have noticed that more naturals are cutting their hair in some amazing hairstyles. It’s absolutely astonishing. The thing is, a lot of naturals would love to cut their hair but there are afraid of cutting too much off. You shouldn’t be scared, just be smart and understand the risks.
When leaving your curls in the hands of a stylist, it’s important to do your research. Make sure he or she is skilled in cutting natural textures. The last thing that you want is someone who does not know what they are doing. There are great websites with salon finders, such as naturallycurly.com. Also, make sure your hair is completely dry before it is cut. Cutting wet hair can be detrimental to your length. Our hair expands when it is wet and shrinks when it is dry. It is best to cut your hair dry because you can see where the cut will fall and it will also prevent you from removing too much hair.
If you decide to head to salon, be sure to be very vocal with your requests. Tell (and definitely show) your stylist how you would like your haircut. There are so many shapes that you can have your hair cut in and it is important to explain this to your stylist before they cut to ensure you’re happy with your new style.
Jessica Lewis’s tutorials have received more than 22 million views on the MahoganyCurls YouTube channel, and nearly 500K follow the Macon, GA native via social media.