I’m all about ease when it comes to curls. Very low maintanence, very little styling—I could probably do better. So when a friend mentioned she uses two different styling products on her hair—a gel for most of her curls and a cream for the kinkier hair at the crown of her head—I was intrigued. I’d thought I was in some two-textured hair minority, but apparently there were others out there who had a few different curl patterns going on, and they were doing something about it. As curly girls know, there are a number of stylers out there. In general, the gels work well for looser curls, but kinkier textures need more moisture in the form of a cream. I decided to try my friend’s two-product styling technique, using Kinky-Curly Curling Custard on the majority of my hair and Hair Rules Kinky Curling Cream on the crown where my hair curled more tightly. Great news for lazy girls: Switching up product during styling didn’t add much more fuss to my routine. I sectioned off the crown of my hair with a scrunchie, styled the rest of my curls, then went back in with my number two kinky-curl product. Super easy. And I saw great results with how my tighter hair performed—mainly the cream kept frizz at bay and stretched my curls. Added bonus: The two different products created a bit of scent layering, so my hair had a yummy, rich scent for the first few days after styling. Two-product styling is a no-brainer for women with multiple textures. It’s quick, easy and it works!