Tyler Perry takes on his critics head on, especially those who call him, and his work, coonish.
When asked how he deals with the criticism in an interview with The Root, his answer was clear: “I don’t.”
“Coon my ass, that’s my answer!”
Perry has been on his press tour to promote Boo! A Madea Halloween the latest flick from his highly successful Madea franchise. Over his career, he has run into constant criticism over his portrayal of his community in his movies and television shows.
But he has the receipts to take them on, citing the fact that he has a market and adds a diversity quotient to the film and TV industries.
“When you look at the shows on OWN you have 3.5 to 4 million people watching those shows. There are millions of people coming to the movies,” he says, adding: “I just opened a studio where DGA reported that … diversity was because of me in cable television.”
His final words: “When somebody wants to step up to the plate and get that kind of record, then let’s talk. Until then, shut up!”