Getting out of the house on time every morning can be the ultimate struggle. If you are anything like me, you’ve mastered the art of hitting the snooze button to squeeze in five more minutes of sleep, but finally wake up in a panic with questions like: Where is my shirt? where is the other shoe? What am I going to eat? What am I going to wear? And more importantly, What am I am going to do with my hair?
Yep, this hair question that has stopped our morning dead in its tracks, but have no fear. This five-step night routine will streamline your morning and get you out of the house in record time!
Step 1: Establish your desired hairstyle at night. Simple, but very helpful! Don’t waste your precious morning moments by hopelessly gazing in the mirror hoping for hair inspiration to suddenly hit you! Take ownership of your morning by making hair styling decisions at night.
Step 2: Prep your hair for the desired look. Prep. Prep. Prep. Prepping your hair at night is single handedly one of the best hair decisions you can make to save time in the morning. By prepping at night, you free yourself of the burning question of “ What am I going to do with my hair?”…because you already know!
Twist out lover? Two strand twist your hair at night! Straightened your hair? Preserve it by wrapping your hair or pin curling it! Going for the sleek ponytail look? Prep your hair by using alcohol free gel and edge control and smooth it down with a satin scarf. This will ensure those edges stay sleek and nice all day!
Step 3: Gather all the necessary tools needed for your desired look. I think we can all touch and agree that running around and looking for important hair items can take up valuable morning time! Do yourself a favor and locate all those items in the evening so that you don’t waste crucial moments in a state of panic looking for random items.
Step 4: Put all your found hair items in ONE place. At this point, you have decided on/prepped the hairstyle, and located all the styling accessories needed. Excellent job! Now, put everything in one single place. This step just makes your morning go a bit smoother and everything you need is right there. No more hunting for long lost bobby pins, because everything you need is in close reach! For your hair organizing needs try this organizer to help keep everything together.
Step 5: Protect your hair at night: This is a must if you want to protect your hair from becoming frizzy and/or dry! Take 30 seconds to locate your satin scarf or bonnet and put it on your head! Having issues around your scarf falling off while you sleep? Look for a bonnet that has an elastic perimeter to ensure that it doesn’t slip off! Try the Organic Olive oil Tea-tree oil treated Bonnet.
Wishing you happy hair and a productive, timely week!